Our Vision
An inspired nation, engaged with the future, excited and not intimidated by the social, environmental and economic opportunities in leadership roles within scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical fields.
Our Mission and Strategy
To hack the culture of STEM - by showing regular Aussies taking on extraordinary challenges creating and using advanced technologies. To promote and support a leadership position for Australia’s space industry in partnership with other key national sectors, in the emerging off-world economy through partnerships on high-impact lunar missions.
Our Objectives
Reposition STEM in general, and space in particular, in the minds of Australia’s curious, creative and cool school students, teachers, parents, employers, investors and politicians through a world’s first space mission wrapped in an award-winning television franchise.
Reposition Space in the minds of the world’s public as something beyond something that happens elsewhere, at NASA, to an everyday activity that concerns and supports all life on this planet.
Develop, manage and support rideshare missions to lunar space to:
a. Deliver Commercial, Scientific and Educational Payloads
b. Create a competitive lunar capability supply chain.
c. Help Australian companies build flight heritage and experience.
d. Provide a collaborative platform to reduce costs for Australian companies.
Inspire, educate and connect All Australians to space activities and the role Australia can play globally.
Leverage Australia’s sovereign confidence, capability and prestige in fields like sport and media to position and showcase characters, technologies and challenges being exercised by a World’s first lunar return mission.
Guiding Principles
Maximise the participation of Australian organizations.
Together with the oldest living culture with a connection to the earth and stars, develop a truly Australian journey to the moon.
Our Success
Australian Companies that are part of the initiative:
a. Have secured commercial agreements nationally and internationally.
b. Have raised capital through investment or public sources for development of products and capability.
c. Have built skills and experience locally to support such missions.
A diverse and dynamic community of more than 5 million Australians paying attention to and understanding Australia’s space activities.
STEM teachers enabled and inspired to transform their students’ experience of STEM subjects.
Australia’s first people feel appropriately honoured, connected and included.
Successful rideshare missions that put Australian assets into lunar orbits, and return them to the Earth by 2028.
Our Manifesto provides the governance and management principles that drive the decision making by the Australian Lunar Rideshare Initiative ‘Boomerang’ in its pursuit of its vision and mission